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Regional Transportation Plan 2025-2045

EDCTC has started work on the 2025-2045 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) . The RTP is designed to be a guide for the systematic development of a balanced, comprehensive, multi-modal transportation system. This system includes but is not limited to: highways, streets and interregional roadways, public transit, aviation, freight/goods movement, active transportation (bikeways and pedestrian facilities), transportation systems management, and intelligent transportation systems. The RTP is action oriented and pragmatic, considering both the short-term (up to 10 years) and long-term (10 to 20 year) periods.

RTPAC Meeting #1 

The RTP planning process began in November of 2023 when the Commission ratified the membership of the Regional Transportation Plan Advisory Committee (RTPAC). The RTPAC is a diverse group of individuals representing private and public sector interests related to transportation. The first RTPAC meeting was held virtually on January 30, 2024. The agenda and recording of RTPAC meeting #1 can be found here:

RTPAC Mtg #1 Final Agenda.pdfRTPAC Meeting #1 Video
RTPAC Meeting #2 

The second RTPAC meeting was held virtually on April 17, 2024. At the meeting members discussed the Draft Vision, Goals, Objectives, and Strategies which establish the policy framework for project selection and prioritization in the RTP.  A recording of RTPAC meeting #2 can be found here:

RTPAC Meeting #2 Video
RTPAC Meeting #3 

At RTPAC #3 the committee was presented with preliminary results from a Transportation Investments Survey. Emerging trends in transportation in El Dorado County was discussed, as well as a preliminary discussion  about the project lists for Streets, Highways, System Operations and Management, and Intelligent Transportation Systems. The agenda, a presentation, and a recording of RTPAC meeting #3 can be found here:

RTPAC Meeting #3 Agenda.pdfEDCTC RTP Advisory Committee Presentation July 1st 2024.pdfRTPAC Meeting #3 Video


RTPAC Meeting #4 

At RTPAC #4 the committee was presented with information about the Social Pinpoint Public Engagement Tool that is being launched to gather input on Roadway, Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Projects. EDCTC staff provided an overview of the tool including its role in the planning process and functionality. Committee members were made aware that after the meeting they will be e-mailed the link and instructional information how to share the tool to the broader members of their agencies and organizations. The committee was also presented with a timeline of the RTP process including the next steps which include preparation of the the Programmatic Environmental Impact Report. The agenda, presentation, and recording of RTPAC meeting #4 can be found here: 

RTPAC Meeting #4 AgendaRTPAC Meeting #4 Presentation October 23, 2024RTPAC Meeting #4 Video
RTP Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 

An RTP EIR Notice of Preparation Scoping Meeting was held virtually on December 4th, 2024. The presentation for the scoping meeting is available for viewing below:

RTP EIR Notice of Preparation Scoping Meeting Presentation
Draft Policy Element: 2025-2045 Regional Transportation Plan 

In some locations throughout the Draft documents words or numbers are highlighted to indicate changes that will need to be made before the RTP is finalized. Of particular note, the projects that are currently under construction in the Completed Projects List are highlighted.

Draft Chapter 1: 2045 Introduction.pdf Draft Chapter 2: 2045 Organizational Setting.pdfDraft Chapter 3: 2045 Physical Setting.pdfDraft Chapter 4: 2045 Regional Transportation Issues.pdfDraft Chapter 5: 2045 Goals, Objectives, and Strategies.pdfDraft 2020-2025 Completed Projects List.pdf


EDCTC will continue to update this page with details regarding our RTP 2025-2045 outreach efforts.

Public involvement is critical to the success of the RTP process. EDCTC engages the public early and often to ensure they have ownership in the process and end result. Regional Transportation Planning Agencies are required to implement a public involvement process including opportunities for private and public operators of transit and freight, tribal governments, local communities, the general public, and other interested/affected parties (Title 23 Sec. 134(g) (4); Title 23 Sec 135 (e); and Title 23 CFR 450.316 (b) (1) (c)). The RTP shall provide for complete information, timely notice, full public access to key decisions, reasonable public access to technical and policy information, and explicit consideration of public input, in addition to an effort to seek out and consider the needs of those traditionally underserved by existing transportation systems.