Project Monitoring Report

In order to identify regional transportation project delivery issues and challenges, El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) staff performs Planning, Programming, and Monitoring (PPM) duties for regionally significant projects in the EDCTC region. These PPM duties are conducted in collaboration with the El Dorado County Department of Transportation, City of Placerville Engineering Division, El Dorado Transit Authority, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, and the Caltrans Department of Local Assistance.
The report includes projects funded with State Transportation Improvement Program, State Highway Operations and Protection Program, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Senate Bill 1) Programs, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality, Surface Transportation Block Grant Program, Active Transportation Program, Highway Infrastructure Program, Local Transportation Fund, Bicycle/Pedestrian funds, as well as regionally significant projects funded with local funds, such as Traffic Impact Mitigation fees.
Project Monitoring Report - March 2025.pdf