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Greater Placerville Wildfire Evacuation Preparedness, Community Safety, and Resiliency Study

What is Greater Placerville Wildfire Evacuation Preparedness, Community Safety, and Resiliency Study?  

The El Dorado County Transportation Commission, in collaboration with the City of Placerville, El Dorado County, the El Dorado and Georgetown Resource Conservation District, Cal Fire and other first responders, is working on an effort to make our community safer and more resilient in the event of fire. The study will develop a wildfire evacuation preparedness plan for the Greater Placerville area by reviewing existing wildfire plans, identifying wildfire hazard areas, critical facilities, and points of potential infrastructure failure during a wildfire evacuation event. The study will identify the improvements needed to roads and other key infrastructure to allow the public to evacuate during a wildfire and first responders to get into the community to fight the fire.

Why is this Placerville Wildfire Evacuation Preparedness Study being done now?

Due to the impacts of climate change, wildfires continue to increase in California with over half the State’s twenty largest and most destructive wildfires occurring in the last 10 years. To address the growing vulnerability to wildfire, the Greater Placerville Wildfire Evacuation Preparedness, Community Safety, and Resiliency Study will identify road and other infrastructure improvements needed to help communities in the project area become more fire adapted and resilient to the risk of wildfire.  

Who is leading the Greater Placerville Wildfire Evacuation Preparedness Study? 

The El Dorado County Transportation Commission is leading the project with key input from the public and two advisory committees: A Project Development Team (PDT) comprised of partner agencies and a Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) made up of a diverse range of groups and organizations in the project area. 

How and when can I share my ideas?

We will be holding a series of public workshops and meetings over the next several months to gather public input for this study. Check the El Dorado County Transportation Commission website for updated information at
For additional information please contact:

Dan Bolster
Senior Transportation Planner
El Dorado County Transportation Commission

Kendall Flint
Regional Director of Community Engagement and Strategic Planning
DKS Associates