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General Legal Services

Notice: If you would like to be added to a list of contacts to automatically receive Requests for Proposals for your particular services, please complete the form on the right. This form will need to be renewed annually beginning in January.

El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) is pleased to announce the release of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for providing professional General Legal Services to EDCTC. This service entails providing legal review and advice to the Commission on documents, agreements, and responsibilities relating to transportation planning and funding. In addition to experience in the areas of contracts and legal requirements of government agencies, individuals or firms should have expertise in laws relating to the following areas: Regional Transportation Planning Agencies, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Airport Land Use Commissions, Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act, State Transportation Improvement Program, the Transportation Development Act, California Environmental Quality Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and air quality issues related to transportation. 

RFP General Legal Services.pdf

Attachment 1 :

Attachment 1 Sample Cost Proposal.pdfAttachment 1 Sample Cost Proposal.xlsx

Attachment 2:

Attachment 2 - Sample Professional Services Agreement (State Funding).pdf

Contact Person
Dana Keffer, Executive Assistant
El Dorado County Transportation Commission
2828 Easy Street, Suite 1, Placerville, CA 95667


Project Timetable
November 22, 2021....................................Issue Request for Proposals
January 14, 2022 4:00 PM..................Closing Date for Receipt of Proposals
January 18, 2022.........................................Finalists contacted to schedule interviews, if required
January 20, 2022........................................Conduct interviews, if necessary
February 3, 2022........................................Contract presented to Commission for award
March 1, 2022...............................................Contract Effective date

Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 PM on January 14, 2022 at the EDCTC office.