2025-2045 Regional Transportation Plan Environmental Impact Report Request for Proposals
El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) staff is currently updating the 2025-2045 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The RTP is scheduled for adoption in September 2025.
Protection of the environment is an important public policy goal and it is an important aspect of public acceptance during project delivery, therefore, best regional planning practices seek to plan and implement transportation projects that avoid or minimize environmental impacts.
The EDCTC RTP, and any subsequent revisions, amendments, or updates, must be in compliance with the CEQA, which states that an EIR will be prepared if an action will have a significant effect on the environment. EDCTC seeks to engage an expert environmental consultant to prepare a program EIR to analyze the environmental impacts of implementing the RTP. The purpose of the program EIR is to enable the EDCTC to examine the overall effects of the RTP, including broad policy alternatives, program wide mitigation, growth inducing impacts, and cumulative impacts that can be considered at a time when the agency has greater flexibility to avoid unnecessary adverse environmental effects. Additionally, the RTP EIR will be crafted in such a manner that allows for environmental documents subsequently prepared for the individual projects to tier off the program EIR to streamline the process.
The details including scope, schedule and budget are included in the RFP link provided below.
2025-2045 RTP EIR Request for Proposals.pdf
Attach1 Sample Cost Proposal.xlsx
Attach2_Sample Professional Services Agreement.pdf
Project Timetable
April 3, 2024.................................................. Issue Request For Proposals
May 6, 2024 4:00 pm.........................Closing Date for Receipt of Proposals
May 10, 2024..................................................Finalists contacted to schedule interviews, if required
May 15, 2024..................................................Conduct interviews, if required
June 6, 2024..................................................Contract award, execute contract
Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 pm on May 6, 2024 at the EDCTC office.
Contact Person
Jerry Barton, Senior Transportation Planner
El Dorado County Transportation Commission
2828 Easy Street, Suite 1, Placerville, CA 95667